Exterior Remodeling Los Angeles

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From pools to landscaping, redoing the exterior areas of your home can transform your property. With Ivory Home Builders in Los Angeles, our team is here to develop stunning exterior remodeling projects of all types. For years, we have worked with homeowners across Los Angeles County to elevate outdoor areas and bring our clients’ visions to reality.
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Types of Exterior Remodeling

Our exterior remodeling team can cover a range of projects for your property, from minor adjustments to complete overhauls of an entire yard. Each project is built according to your specifications to breathe new life into your property’s exterior.


Landscaping projects can prove transformative for a home. The flexibility and range of options allow you to create anything from a resort-style oasis to a verdant field. Our goal is to build a landscape that resonates with your aesthetic vision and creates a space that is truly your own.

Pool Design

Crafting the right pool can turn it from a way to cool off in summer into a work of art. Our pool design framework focuses on using high-quality materials, eco-friendly approaches, and customized water features and highlights. The right pool design will create a place to relax that blends both function and aesthetics.

Yard Remodeling

Yard remodeling offers you almost endless potential for redesigning your outdoor spaces. Our job is to help you build a space from among those options that manifests your dream for the perfect yard. From seating areas to water features, privacy measures, and more, our team works with each client to build a personalized, complex design aligned with your goals.

Exterior Remodeling Gallery

The Exterior Remodeling Process

Create Your Vision

Every project begins with the client’s goals. Do not be afraid to dream big, exploring multiple ideas and options for your project. It is okay if some details are missing, as our job is to help with the minutiae that will make your dream a living, working reality. Do you want a pool constructed? Or do you want to realize a landscaping vision? Or combine both of these with a comprehensive yard remodeling project?

Preparing and Planning

The consultation and planning process set the foundation for an overall smooth and successful project. Our designers work closely with each client to learn about their vision and translate it into the step-by-step process of renovation. You maintain complete control at each step and have the final say. Other planning steps can include:
  • Site visits to take measures and draft blueprints
  • Obtaining any necessary permits
  • Creating functional designs

Obtaining the Materials

Exterior remodeling projects can be extremely complex or very simple, depending on your goals. So, ordering all the materials is a process that varies. However, we work with multiple suppliers to ensure quick delivery times even during peak demand seasons. Once we know all the materials needed for your project, we can provide a timeline of when we can start work on your project. You can inspect all the materials and fixtures when they arrive to ensure they look how you envisioned them.

Begin Work on the Project

Your designs are ready. Your materials are here. Everything looks great. It is time for our construction team to get to work. While project times vary, we provide clients with accurate timelines for their individual remodeling or construction. After having worked on countless projects, we know the rate we can work at and provide a schedule that we know we can stick to.

Why Choose Ivory Home Builders for Exterior Remodeling?

For any project, you want a team that has the experience and dedication to go all in. As a leading build firm in Los Angeles, Ivory Home Builders has proudly served homeowners across the country, completing projects that exceed client expectations to create a haven where they can feel more at home than ever.

Why Renovate Your Outdoor Areas

  • More opportunities for recreation and relaxation
  • Improve the curb appeal of your home
  • Boost our property’s overall value
  • Create a space for your family to connect

Start Your Home Renovations Today

Take the first step to seeing your dreams for exterior remodeling come true by reaching out to Ivory Home Builders today. As preeminent experts in room additions in Los Angeles, our team is here to craft an enduring, uplifting, and inviting outdoor area. Contact us today to book a meeting and begin bringing your dream home to life.

Ready to Start Your Project?

Send us a message, or call us for a quote. Use our contact form to tell us more about your project, and we will connect with you!

What Our Clients are Saying

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